

Harvest Area: Southeast Alaska
Gear Type: Gillnet and Power Troll
Primary Fishery Management: Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game 
Harvest Season: June throught October


 Flavor & Texture

  • Scrumptous Subtle Savory Flavor
  • Pink-orange to red-orange color
  • Firm flakey texture



  • Grill: 400 indirect flame, skin-side down, covered for 10 min per inch thickness.  Remove fillet from the heat and allow it to rest for 4 minutes before serving.
  • Bake: 400 uncovered, skin-side down for 10 minutes per inch thickness
  • Pan Sear: In a hot lightly oiled skillet, sear the flesh side for 5 minutes until flesh lifts easily and then flip once.  Cook on skin-side down covered for an additional 5 minutes or more depending on the thickness.  Total cooking time should be no longer than 10 minutes per inch of thickness for thawed fillet.

Amanda’s Serving Suggestions

  • Coho is an excellent weekly dinner staple.  It is fast and easy to prepare, tastes wonderful served with brown or wild rice and provides a beauitiful contrast alongside any green seasonal vegetable.
  • Coho is a wonderful alternative to King salmon when making your own sushi.  Its rich mild fatty flavor goes well with almost any other sushi ingredients and it adds a necessary bright orange color to any sushi palet.
  • Cooked coho can be used to make delicious salmon cakes or can add flavor and nutrition to your favorite salad.